The Cocker Spaniel Club


AMS Update April 2016


There has been much discussion, concern and confusion recently about AMS. Things have been changing quite quickly and the CSC FTS committee is trying to keep abreast of developments. They would like to make a few points to try and clarify the situation.

1. The committee feel it is important that before breeding from a bitch that the breeder should DNA test the potential mother and then knowing the result of that test the breeder can make an informed decision about what sire to use. It is important not to discount carriers from the breeding programme as the Working Cocker gene pool is fairly small and a carrier might have excellent characteristics that people want to preserve.

2. If your bitch has produced, or is about to produce a litter and you have discovered that either the sire or the dam is a carrier of AMS, it is possible to place a Kennel Club endorsement on the litter if you consider that appropriate. This measure is to help safeguard the dog's future, the breed and yourself as some of the litter will be carriers of AMS. The endorsement does not prevent the progeny being bred from, but it does prevent any litters being registered with the Kennel Club. If you decide on this route, the new owner should be informed in writing, before the sale, that an endorsement has been placed, and both parties should sign the document. The endorsement can be lifted by the breeder if, for example, the progeny are tested clear of AMS.

3. Any test results can now be recorded with the Kennel Club and whilst this is an excellent idea and we strongly encourage that, no one should be vilified if they have a carrier and decide they want to withdraw it from breeding and not publish the result.

4. There are now a good number of Field Trial award winners, Field Trial winners and Field Trial Champions now tested for AMS. The CSC FTS is a field trial club and therefore would encourage people to look towards these dogs for breeding rather than a dog that has not been tested in the shooting field. Whilst we want to maintain and improve the health of the dogs we also want to maintain and improve their working ability through the medium of trials.

We are sure everyone has the best interests of the breed at heart and with a calm and sensible approach this terrible condition can be eradicated.











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