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MEMBERSHIP SUBSCRIPTIONSPayment becomes due on January 1st each year Single £12 Joint £15 Overseas £25 Cheques should be made in sterling & made payable to : "The Cocker Spaniel Club" Send to either:
New members must normally be proposed & seconded by paid up members of the Club (except those residing outside the UK) and elected by the General Committee. Field Trial members are elected by the Field Trial Committee. Membership fees are listed above but please note, a joining fee of £5 is payable on new applications (excluding Junior memberships). If you have any queries about how to apply for membership, please email us or contact the Club Secretary, Miss Kettle, on the above tel no. NB: All members of the Cocker Spaniel Club are expected to make every effort to follow the Club's Code of Ethical Practice A membership application form, supplementary information form & puppy enquiries form (for breeders) can be downloaded in pdf
format (please complete all forms). A Banker's Order form is also included with the membership application form - please complete this and send to your bank so that future payments can be paid by Standing Order. FIELD TRIAL SECTION Those wishing to join the Field Trial Section of the Club should use the form below and send it to the Field Trial Section Membership Secretary, Mrs J Campton, at the address on the form. Field Trial Membership: £12.00 Single, £15.00 Double. Renewable annually on January 1st. NB: Please note that members who pay their annual renewals late may be removed from the membership list. Also note that annual membership is £12 for single membership NOT £10. Field Trial Section Membership Form (PDF file) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NB:You will need Acrobat Reader on your computer to read pdf files. To save either of these pdf files to your computer, right click with your mouse on the appropriate text link above & select "Save Target As..", then choose the location for the file. If you don't already have Acrobat Reader on your computer, click on the icon below to download your free copy: MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS & NEW OVERSEAS MEMBERSHIPS
We are pleased to accept online payments of subscription renewals and new overseas memberships via Paypal. A small admin fee has been added to cover Paypal's fees. Please note, this facility is for subscription renewals and new overseas memberships only (NOT new UK memberships) If you wish to pay your subscription renewal online, please click on the appropriate Paypal button. NB: This facility is not currently available for members of the Field Trial Section of the Club
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© The Cocker Spaniel Club 2003-2025.