The Cocker Spaniel Club



Cocker Spaniel Rehoming & Rescue Scheme | Cocker Rehoming & Rescue Representatives

The Cocker Spaniel Club's Rehoming & Rescue Scheme is dedicated to the rehoming of Cocker Spaniels of all ages and both types (show and working)

To make contact with a Representative of The Cocker Spaniel Club's Rehoming & Rescue Scheme, please be advised that the representatives are dedicated volunteers operating from within their family homes and that they do not operate in the same way as large organised dog sanctuary centres which are open to the general public. Therefore, limited hours of contact are as directed HERE on the list of regional Rehoming & Rescue Representatives

Information on the Cocker Spaniel Club Rescue & Rehoming Scheme
Advice and further information on the relinquishing and adopting procedures of the Rescue & Rehoming Scheme is available HERE (pdf file)

Interested in adopting a Cocker Spaniel?
Please download and complete our Adoption Questionnaire (pdf) and email it to

Having to rehome your own Cocker Spaniel?
If you are having to rehome your own Cocker Spaniel, please read the Advice for Relinquishing Owners (pdf) and then complete the Relinquishing and Waiver/Transfer of Ownership forms below:

Relinquishing Form

Waiver Form

Please note after completing your form & saving the form to your computer, you will need to contact the Representative for/nearest to your area who will supply you with the necessary postal address or email address to send your form to.

NB: To download any of the above files onto your computer, right click on the link above and select "Save Target As.." (for Internet Explorer) or "Save Link As.." (for Mozilla Firefox) and then choose where you want to save the file before clicking on "Save".

NB: To read PDF files, you will need Adobe Reader. To download a free copy of this program, click on the icon below.

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