The Cocker Spaniel Club



A3 List/Grandfathering Application

In July the Club agreed to comply with the KC requirement that Breed Clubs bring their A3 criteria into line with the KC A3 criteria in order to facilitate Grandfathering applications/end of traditional judges lists - they have now moved the goal posts.

With effect from 16.09.2024 Grandfathering applicants need to be on 50% of breed clubs A3 lists, having been approved by at least 12 cocker spaniel breed clubs (there are 23 Cocker Breed clubs). Cocker Club A3 applicants are approved by the Committee, whereas Breed Council A3 applicants are circulated to the Breed Club Council members for their approval.

For a Grandfather application you will therefore need to comply with the Breed Council A3 List criteria and make an application to be included on their A3 List.

Breed Council Website:

Breed Education Co-Ordinator (BEC):

However, until the end of 2025, Cocker Spaniel Club A3 Listing will allow you to be invited for a CC appointment with the Club/Society making the invitation submitting the traditional JD13 questionnaire (First Time CC Judges) to the KC.

For persons who have been approved by the Kennel Club to award Challenge Certificates in the breed and completed their first appointment.

For persons who fulfil all the requirements of the A3 list, who have been assessed in accordance with Kennel Club requirements and approved by The Kennel Club for inclusion on the A2 List and have the support of The Cocker Spaniel Club.

1 Minimum of 7 years judging experience in the breed and having the support of The Cocker Spaniel Club (KC Policy)
2 To have judged TWO Breed Club Open Shows. One of which may be Breed Classes at a Championship Show where CC's were not on offer, judging a minimum of 12 classes.
3 To have judged an additional 60 classes (recommended minimum) of the breed at Open and/or Championship Shows without CCs with an adequate geographical spread
4 To have judged 200 dogs (recommended minimum) in total
5 To have bred and/or owned a minimum of 3 dogs when they obtained their first entry into the Kennel Club Stud Book (save in exceptional circumstances) <b>(KC Policy)</b>
6 To have attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer and passed the relevant examination on Kennel Club Regulations & Judging Procedures <b>(KC Policy)</b>
7 To have attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer on Conformation & Movement (KC Policy)
8 To have attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer and passed the relevant examination on Conformation & Movement with "Hands On" Assessment
9 To have attended and passed the Breed Specific Judges Competence Assessment and been awarded a Certificate in Judging Competence
10 To have stewarded at 12 Open and/or Championship Shows (KC Policy)
11 To have attended a Kennel Club Spaniel Field Trial at Open Stake level or an Open Working Test

1 Minimum of 7 years judging in any one breed (to include 5 years judging Cocker Spaniels) and having the support of The Cocker Spaniel Club <b>(KC Policy)</b>
2 To have judged TWO Breed Club Open Shows. One of which may be Breed Classes at a Championship Show where CC's were not on offer, judging a minimum of 12 classes.
3 To have judged an additional 60 classes (recommended minimum) of the breed at Open and/or Championship Shows without CCs with an adequate geographical spread
4 To have judged a minimum of 200 Cocker Spaniels in total
5 To have awarded CCs in at least one other breed (KC Policy)
6 To have attended and passed the Breed Specific Judges Competence Assessment and been awarded a Certficate in Judging Competence
7 Stewarding experience will be noted

1 To have 5 years experience owning and exhibiting in this breed and having the support of The Cocker Spaniel Club
2 To have judged 25 classes of Cocker Spaniels at Open and/or Championship Shows without CCs
3 To have judged 80 Cocker Spaniels (Recommended minimum)
4 Stud Book entries will be noted
5 Stewarding experience required
6 Must have demonstrated an active interest in the breed
7 Effective 1st June 2014 - to have attended a Breed Education Seminar/Appreciation Day and Passed the Multiple-Choice Questionnaire (BAD/MCE) based on The Kennel Club Breed Standard. (Held in accordance with the Kennel Club Code of Best Practice) ;Or, to have attended a Breed Specific Hands on Seminar and Passed an Assessment – (Breed Seminars/Assessments undertaken prior to 2012 are not acceptable)
8 To have attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer and passed the relevant examination on Kennel Club Regulations & Judging Procedures (KC Policy)
9 To have attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer on Conformation & Movement (KC Policy)
10 To have attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer and passed the relevant examination on Conformation & Movement with "Hands On" Assessment ("50 Points of the Dog")

1 Minimum of 7 years judging in any one breed and having the support of The Cocker Spaniel Club
2 To have judged 25 classes of Cocker Spaniels at Open and/or Championship Shows without CCs (save in exceptional circumstances)
3 To have judged 80 Cockers (recommended minimum)
4 Stud Book entries will be noted
5 Stewarding experience will be noted
6 Must have demonstrated an active interest in Cocker Spaniels
7 Effective 1st June 2014 - to have attended a Breed Education Seminar/Appreciation Day and Passed the Multiple-Choice Questionnaire (BAD/MCE) based on The Kennel Club Breed Standard. (Held in accordance with the Kennel Club Code of Best Practice) ; Or, to have attended a Breed Specific Hands on Seminar and Passed an Assessment – (Breed Seminars/Assessments undertaken prior to 2012 are not acceptable)
8 To have attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer and passed the relevant examination on Kennel Club Regulations & Judging Procedures (KC Policy)
9 To have attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer on Conformation & Movement (KC Policy)
10 To have attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer and passed the relevant examination on Conformation & Movement with "Hands On" Assessment ("50 Points of the Dog")

From 1st January 2024 – before officiating as a judge you must meet the following JEP Level 1 requirements:
• Minimum of five years proven interest in pedigree dogs (Cocker Spaniels for breed specialists)
• Attend a Conformation and Movement seminar hosted by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer
• Complete a minimum of two full-day stewarding appointments
• Attend a Requirements of a Dog Show Judge seminar and pass associated exam (either in person or online via Kennel Club Academy, exam effective from 1 January 2024)
• Pass the Points of a Dog assessment conducted by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer (effective from 1 January 2024)

Requirements to meet this level

First breed:
• Attend a breed appreciation day (BAD) and pass a multiple-choice examination (MCE) for the respective breed.
• View ring stewarding seminar and take online quiz.
• Complete critique writing seminar and take online quiz.

Subsequent breeds
Attend a breed appreciation day (BAD) and pass a multiple-choice examination (MCE) for each breed.
Note: Not mandatory for group judge for breeds in the group that they are not approved at level 4, but attendance strongly recommended.

All Judges should ensure that they keep themselves up to date with the requirements of the current Breed Specific and JEP-(Breed Shows) criteria; and the KC Codes of Best Practice; undertake refresher courses which are available on-line via the Kennel Club Academy and held by Breed Clubs.

Definition of a Breed Specialist: An enthusiast who has shown an interest in and been involved with Cocker Spaniels as their main breed (exhibiting/breeding/judging) for a minimum of five years.

Non-Specialist: a Judge whose main breed is not Cocker Spaniels

**denotes Non-Breed Specialist.

Date indicates year added to the List.

A1 Judges List – Date indicates last judging appointment.

When submitting your application for the Judges Lists please ensure that you complete the form in full, indicate which List you are applying for, sign the form, and return it together with the required certificates/judging experience to the Judges List Administrator either by email or post – keep copies for your own records.

The Cocker Spaniel Club Committee meest approximately three times during the year when they will consider Traditional Judges List applications.
Applications for inclusion on the JEP Lists held by the Club will be accepted and added to the Club list upon receipt provided the KCJEP criteria is met.

Please contact the Judges List Administrator if you wish your details to be amended or if you have retired from Judging and would like to see your name moved to the Retired Register.

Judges Lists Administrator:
Miss S Ellison
Woodbind Cottage, Court Mill Lane, Wadeford, Nr Chard, Somerset, TA20 3AX
Tel: 01460 62871



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