The Cocker Spaniel Club




Empingham Estate 17th January 2014.

Judges: Mr D Chudley and Mr N Cook (NP)

The Judges - Empingham January 2014

1st Saxondawn Estra, Alan Hopkins-Young
2nd Wetlands Freckle, Andrew Robinson
3rd Fernmoss Gertie, Roy Ellershaw
4th Ffyonlas Onyx, Clinton Morgan

Readhead Rocky, Derek Daley
Borowood Sox, Richard Bunyan

Alan Hopkins-Young with Saxondawn Estra
Alan Hopkins-Young with Saxondawn Estra

Novice Cocker Stake: Once again we had a fantastic day at Empingham. Mr Padley always makes us so welcome. He met us at the start and although he could not stay for the whole day he kept in constant contact with the keeper to see how things were going. We cannot thank him enough for all he does for us. He and his staff put in a huge amount of time and effort to ensure we have a good trial.

Hot drinks and biscuits were provided for everyone at the beginning and at the end of the trial. Then half way through, at about 11.15am, we were all provided with very welcome hot soup and hot sausage rolls which appeared in a little hut at the edge of the wood.

The ground at Empingham is perfect for the Cockers. Every competitor had the same type of ground which consisted of fairly light, low bramble in woodland. The birds were plentiful and some dogs had lovely finds when they pushed the birds out of the bramble and sat and watched them away to be shot. A number of woodcock were flushed as well as pheasants. The birds were evenly spaced throughout the day except for a short period after the soup break when the birds took the opportunity to escape further into the wood, however we soon caught up with them again.

The problems at the Cocker Championship, meant some of the intended runners could not come. However, we managed to fill the stake as some people kindly put in second dogs.

The top dogs were very close in marks. The guns differed in their favourite choice but overall they thought the standard of dog work was high for a novice stake. Most dogs that were eliminated made unfortunate mistakes, or had bad luck which was not necessarily due to lack of training. The prize for the quickest exit went to the dog which lasted approximately two seconds!

The first two dogs were in a run off and the owner of the second placed dog sportingly said he knew he had lost it, so all our congratulations to Alan for his win.

Glyn, the keeper kept everything running smoothly, and overall it was a very successful and enjoyable day. Thanks to everyone who helped run the day, and also thanks to the competitors who made it enjoyable with their good humour and sportsmanship. Thank you also to Skinners who sponsored the trial and provided dog food vouchers for the first three places. Lyn


The Winners at Empingham Jan 2014
The Winners!




Held at Rosedale 21st October 2014

1st Andy Kirk's Pinsark Roberta
2nd Graham West's Wetlands Spice of Leeglen
3rd Andy Robinson's Byrbwll APACHE
COM Joe Shotton's Chyknell Redwing


Held at Rosedale 22nd October 2014

1st Her Majesty The Queen's Mallowdale Diamond (handler Ian Openshaw)
2nd Steve Winspear's Kiltonbeck Cooper
3rd Peter Jones' Priorsmeadow Solacy
4th Josie Tudor's Tudorbriar Skylark (Handler Ian Openshaw)
COM  Darren Skidmore's Moelfamau Lily
COM James Luxford's Howesyke Daisey
COM Andy Whitehouse's Swift to Heal

The Open Stake at Rosedale was held on 21st October. Despite the remnants of hurricane Gonzalo sweeping the country Rosedale moor was bathed in sunshine. However a strong blustery wind meant the scent was poor and this led to some of the dogs failing on retrieves. What appeared to be a fairly straightforward retrieve proved the opposite and some dogs struggled to find the shot birds or rabbits. In some cases it was left to the judges to pick the game.

The supply of birds and rabbits was superb and the guns hardly missed anything. All the competitors had the opportunity to show off their dogs but by the end only four dogs survived even though the standard of hunting was very high. It was a very close decision between the first two dogs with Andy's dog just taking the edge and Wetlands Spice gaining yet another second. Joe Shotton at 91 years old achieved a COM showing that age is no barrier to winning awards.

The Novice Stake on the 22nd October was a superb day. The wind had dropped and the scenting conditions were much improved. Again there was a plentiful supply of birds and rabbits which meant that all the competitors had flushes and the opportunity for retrieves. There were seven awards and the judge in his speech said that any of the dogs in the awards could be winners in the future. Ian won the stake with Her Majesty's lovely little bitch Mallowdale Diamond but Steve Winspear also had a superb run resulting in the award for best retrieve and also second place.

Our sincere thanks go to David Ross and Jim Chattaway with his guns for giving us two fantastic days trialling on Rosedale Moor. Thanks also to the competitors who made it two enjoyable days with their good humour and sporting attitude. Many helpers made the days go smoothly. Even the proprietor of Blacksmiths Inn looked after us really well and managed to find rooms for everyone, even at the last minute. So all thanks to Howard and Fay for being so patient.

Open Stake Winner and Judges October 2014
Winner of the open stake 21st October 2014, Andy Kirk (centre)
with judges John Bailey (left) and Roy Ellershaw(right)

Guns and Judges Novice Stake October 2014
The judges Billy Slack (2nd Left) and Will Clulee (third left) and guns, Novice stake 22nd October 2014

Mallowdale Diamond with Ian Openshaw October 2014
Winner of the novice stake 22nd October 2014
Ian Openshaw with Her Majesty The Queen's bitch Mallowdale Diamond




1ST  Greg Beeton's bitch Tembokali Elle
2nd   Elizabeth Kennard's dog Braebeate Amok
Also guns choice and best novice handler.    
3rd  Mr Phillips dog Primeveil Desertstorm (handler Nick Gregory)
4th  Elizabeth Kennard's dog Cheweky Joup of Braebeate
COM  Mr Jarvis 's bitch Delalodge Andromeda (handler Wendy Knight)

Novice Stake winners Hartham Nov 2014
L-R Greg Beeton and Elizabeth Kennard

The trial was held in varied cover and Glynn Smith ensured that there was a good spread of birds throughout the day so that every competitor had the chance of a flush and retrieve. The four guns shot really well and our thanks to them for contributing to the cost of the day.

Greg was a worthy and clear winner. Six dogs survived the day with most of the eliminations being because the dogs were running too far in front, or running in to shot. Some of the dogs were quite inexperienced and more training was needed.

At the end of the day, the hot stew provided for everyone in the beaters room by Trish Smith was very welcome, especially as it had rained and people were wet and cold, thank you Trish.

Thank you also to Glynn for giving us a superb day with plenty of game and thank you our lovely judges, Graham West and Anita Jones.




1st Alan Hopkins-Young's bitch Saxondawn Estra
2nd Ron James's dog Rowston Spikey Aderyngi
3rd Jeremy Davis's bitch Dolbrenin Geisha Girl
also best retrieve and guns choice.
4th Dave Rayners bitch Woodash Quaver
COM Janet Righton's bitch Luxurious Luna

Alan Hopkins Young
Alan Hopkins Young, Open Stake Winner

The trial was held in serious spaniel ground consisting of mainly thick bramble in woodland.

The top dogs tackled the ground fearlessly pushing their way through the bramble to push out the birds hiding under the cover. The judges, Graham and Richard said the winning dog was superb, seeking out the game and working with speed but still covering all her beat so no bird was able to escape. Only six dogs survived to the end, ten dogs being eliminated for various misdemeanours.

The four guns, James, Martin, Steve and Richard were very experienced at shooting over dogs and the standard of shooing was very high. The guns are crucial to the success of a trial and these guns did not disappoint, getting the birds down quickly to give the dogs chance of a good retrieve. The birds were plentiful resulting in a bag of 30 birds.

Glynn, the keeper, as usual, was very helpful and efficient ensuring a constant supply of birds and making sure that everyone in the gallery knew exactly where they were supposed to stand. His wife, Trish provided a very welcome hot meal for everyone in the shoot room at the end of the trial.

The Cocker Club would like to thank Glynn, Trish, the guns, the judges, the helpers (you were fantastic Alan!) and all the competitors who made the trial another enjoyable and well organised day. Particular thanks to judge Graham West who, despite having a wrecked car, pulled out all the stops to still get to the trial on time with help from various friends and competitors.

Sincere thanks also to Carl, Neil and Anita who put in second dogs at the last minute to fill the stake, as one competitor withdrew his dog the night before the trial and two pulled out at 5.30am on the morning of the trial. (grrrr......) You will be nameless but get a new alarm clock, or preferably two!!!

Lyn (FT Sec.)




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