The Cocker Spaniel Club



This has been a traumatic year for all concerned.

We had field trials arranged for 2nd and 3rd November at Rosedale in North Yorkshire.
Unfortunately one of the judges and some of the competitors resided in tier 3 so were unable to attend the trials. We had to change the judges four times as the situation re Covid evolved.
However, in the end the trials were able to go ahead very sucessfully.

We had a fantastic couple of days and many congratulations to Roy Ellershaw winning the open and Steve Winspear winning the novice. Steve was also second in the open so a fantastic achievement for him.
I would like to thank our judges Alan Hopkins-Young, Andy Robinson, and Ryan Kay. Alan stepped to judge both trials at the last minute and Ryan very kindly gave up his run to judge the novice so others could run their dogs. Without them there would have been no trials.
Gail, Don and Fiona stepped in to help with stewarding and flag, so their help was much appreciated.
Jimmy the keeper took us to fantastic ground with plenty of game and stuffed with rabbits. His guns hardly missed anything and gave the competitors every chance for success.
The competitors were great and there was a happy jovial atmosphere. It was much appreciated that they went out of their way to thank us for managing to get the trials off the ground. Everyone was pleased to be out trialing which would be the last time for a while.
Finally huge thanks to everyone who made the trials so successful in very difficult circumstances.

Results of the Novice stake held at Rosedale on 3rd November 2020.
1st Steve Winspear's Glenlaggan Firework. FTCh Kiltonbeck Rollo ex Amtosk Countach.
2nd James Elliott's Howesky Style of Tomlinslood. 3rd and best retrieve M Farish's Flassuen Dynamo. 4th Paul McGregor's Dakotagun Shaw. COM Fran Ardley's Rowton Sublime. K Snell's Rowton Rage. Andy Robinson's Byrbwll Nugget.

Results of the open stake at Rosedale 1st Fernmoss Black Rose, Roy Ellershaw, 2nd Kiltonbeck Arrow Steve Winspear, 3rd Poolgreen Hubba, Derek Lee Handler Will Clulee. There were seven COM’s so very successful. A super trial with lots of rabbits and pheasants, thanks to Jimmy and his guns and our judges and helpers.

Here are a few photos from the trials at Rosedale.

Field Trials were planned to take place at Witham on the Hill on 7thand 8th December. All the arrangements were in place and the draw had been done and sent out to the competitors. However, early in December the Government placed Witham in tier 3 and some of the judges were travelling from tier 3. The committee felt it was not ethical or advisable to hold the trials as people would have been travelling into a tier 3 area from tier 2 and regretfully the trials were cancelled.

WE are hoping that all will be back to normal in 2021 and trials will be able to be planned and completed.





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