The Cocker Spaniel Club



Open Stake

Wykeham Estate, North Yorkshire

Date 1st December 2022

By Kind permission of Viscount Downe

Secretary: Lyn Randall

Judges: Steve Winspear & Andy Robinson

1st and guns choice Cwmceiliog Skid of Monagea - John Sexton
FTCH Maesydderwen Scamp x Maesydderwen Stella
2nd Strigidae Surnia of Chequersmate - Brody Chequer
3rd FTCH Fernmoss Black Rose - Roy Ellershaw
4th Howeskye Silk - James Luxford

Claxbywold Limited Edition - Martyn Elliott
Sweet Elpis of Thornton - David Corner
Craiwarn Tinkers Stella of Costapakit - Janet Righton
Maxtixglen Penelope - Sarah Fallon
Woolpitts Lossie- Martin Deacon

The trial was held mainly in roots and some woodland. The cover was stuffed with birds and this caused the downfall of some of the dogs as the handlers could not hold them in the open cover.

The nine dogs in the awards were all of a high standard and proved how well they could control their dogs in difficult cover. The winning dogs were exceptional.

The guns all worked on the estate and the shooting was excellent. Some of the birds were shot a long way out and the dogs needed to work through the cover which was full of scent to get their retrieve.

All the dogs that stayed in achieved an award and an emotional John Sexton was absolutely delighted to finally win after having so many seconds.
The helpers all travelled a long way at their own expense to run and organise the trial. Without people like them there would be no trials. So many thanks to them.

Thank you also to our two top class A panel judges, Steve and Andy who ensured everyone had a fair run. A special thanks to Andy who stepped in when the B panel judge had to pull out, and to Steve for meeting up with the agent before the trial to make the final arrangements.

Finally a huge thank you to James Stephenson who organised the day for us, also thanks to all the guns and a special thanks to Viscount Downe who very kindly allowed us onto the beautiful Wykeham Estate.

Photos to follow.





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